- One-Arm Standing Dumbbell Curl
Whenever you’ve developed some fortitude up from customary hand weight twists, now is the ideal time to continue on toward single-arm ones. This time, you’ll utilize a hand weight that gauges a smidgen more, which will compel your rear arm muscles to work harder and make them more grounded. Yet, be cautious, this move requires cautious and slow movement.
◕ Stand with your feet shoulder-width separated. Hold free weights in one or the other hand at your sides, with your arms completely expanded and your palms turned in. Twist the free weights to your chest
◕ Do somewhere in the range of 6 and 8 reps and 2 sets. Increment to 3 sets following up to 14 days. From that point forward, you can build the heaviness of the hand weights
◕ In the event that you don’t have hand weights, you can likewise utilize portable weights or free weights